Bart Lambrecht

He is a graduate of the University of Gent in Belgium, where he received his medical degree and PhD in 1993 and 1999. From 2002, he specialized in Pulmonary Medicine at Erasmus University in Rottterdam, where he became Professor of Lung Diseases in 2005. In 2007, he returned to Belgium obtaining an exceptional Odysseus Grant from the Flemish government and became Professor of Lung Diseases at the University of Gent. In 2012, he became director of the VIB Inflammatory Disease Research Center in Gent. He is the recipient of a prestigious ERC grant and is an editor for The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Mucosal Immunology and Trends in Immunology.

Bart Lambrecht has (co-)authored more than 200 scientific articles in the field of asthma and allergy. His team’s research focuses on the role of dendritic cells in stimulating immune responses in the lung. In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Francqui Prize for outstanding scientific achievements.